Tuesday, 29 November 2011

How Relationships Work

How relationships Work:

- Was developed by social scientists.
- Explains the give and take in relationships.
- Takes an economic approach-relationships have costs and benifits.
- Benifits of being in the relationship must equal or outweigh costs of the relationship.
- High cost for someone else's benefit equals being exploited.

Relationships:                                   Cost:

- Pleasure in spending time together.                                - Time spent together instead of elsewhere.
- Social and emotional support recieved.                           - Emotional ans social support given.
- Intelectual growth through discussion.                             - Dissapointments and hurt feelings.
- Excitement  of new activites.                                           - Mentl strain of dissagreements.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Stand By Me

Last week in my Family Studies 12 class we watched a movue called "Stand By Me". It was about these four troubles little boys areound the age of 12. They all trave to go see a dead body that they heard about and they all go by foot. they learn new thigs about eachothr and go through manny different difficulties as they travel. Each boy has problems going in their houses and they try to ignore it but it it very hard for them to do so. They come acrosss bullies, leeches, fights, dogs, trains, and  a dead body. this movie is a good way to show how friends always stick together no matter what happens.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Types of friendship

There are four types of friendship: acuainteances, proximity, selected, and significant.

 Acquaintances:People who you know because they participate in the same activities as you do. Example, people you see in school, people you meet at parties. People who you have brief conversations with.

Proximity: Make shared activities more anjoyable but, when the term ends or ou change jobs, you no longer have an activity in common, the relationship will probably not last.

Selected: based on shared interests and some affection or concern for eachother. You share your opinions with your selected frends and exchange stories about your lives  as you get to know eachother better.

Significant: Spending many hours on hours on the phone talking, sharing your inner thoughts and feelings in extended conversations is a sign that the friendship has become a signifiacant relationship in your life. This sharing created empathy.