Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Semester Overall

This semester in my Family studies 12 class I have learned so much about life and about how family works as well as friendsships and the different types. I learned about how to care for a baby and how to meet its needs. We watched many videos to furthur our understanding about each topic that we had covered. We watch a variety of movies like My Bodyguard, My Sister's Keeper,  Devil wears Prada, Stand By Me,a documentary about WalMart, Philadelphia, The Cove, and many more. This class has made me see senarios in dufferent ways and it ahs made a posuitive impact on me. This was a fun and enjoyable class and i advise others to take this course aswell :)

The Roles We Play

The Role Of a Daughter:
-Role Model

The Role Of a Sister:
-Role Model
-Advice Giver
-Good Listener

The Role Of a Friend:
-Value opinions

The Role Of a Student:
-Good Listener
-Positive Atitude
-Hard Working

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


***We went over many topics and definitions this week and the main words were:

--> Family: Any group of two or more personswho are bound together over time by ties of  blood or mutual consent, birth, and/or adoption.

--> Adoptive Family: A family in which the parents are legal rather than biological parents of the children, but who bring the children up as though they were  their biological parents.

--> Blended Family: Families with parents who divoreced their spose and remarried, forming a family thst includes children from one or both previose marriages.

--> Common Law:Denoting a relationship between cohabiting partners; recognized as the marriage but not brought about by a civil church ceremony.

--> Extended Families: Families that consists of parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other blood relations, living together or not.

--> Family Form: The number of adults, the nature of the relationship between the adults, and the number of generations.

--> Foster Family: A family that takes temporary care of children until they can return to their  biological family.

--> Stepparents: The parents of children in blended families; a mother's opr father's later spose.

--> Nuclear Families: A family that consists of two parents and one or more children living together.

--> Spouse: Husband or wife; partner

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The Devil Wears Prada Summary

The Devil Wears Prada with Anne Hathaway is a movie about working as a personal assistand in fashions. To have a job that "a lillion girls would die for". Andrea a.k.a. Andy  was a jornalist and took a turm in her career and ends up in the hectic world of fashion. Andy applied for a job at "Runway," which was America's most famouse fashion journal, even though Andy has little to no interest in the garment trade. They are one of the only magazines in New York with a job opening -- the second assistant to editor Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep). Baisically her personal assistant. Miranda  is a very tough boss and gets Andy to do impossible tasks, for example,  she had to get the Harry Potter Manuscript when it was not published yet. Later, Andy chooses to turn things around and do a good job and she gets a makeover. After she turns things around, she becomes the underdog and Miranda's favourite and Emily was about to get fired. More things happen in the movie but you will have to watch it to know how it ends :)

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

How Relationships Work

How relationships Work:

- Was developed by social scientists.
- Explains the give and take in relationships.
- Takes an economic approach-relationships have costs and benifits.
- Benifits of being in the relationship must equal or outweigh costs of the relationship.
- High cost for someone else's benefit equals being exploited.

Relationships:                                   Cost:

- Pleasure in spending time together.                                - Time spent together instead of elsewhere.
- Social and emotional support recieved.                           - Emotional ans social support given.
- Intelectual growth through discussion.                             - Dissapointments and hurt feelings.
- Excitement  of new activites.                                           - Mentl strain of dissagreements.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Stand By Me

Last week in my Family Studies 12 class we watched a movue called "Stand By Me". It was about these four troubles little boys areound the age of 12. They all trave to go see a dead body that they heard about and they all go by foot. they learn new thigs about eachothr and go through manny different difficulties as they travel. Each boy has problems going in their houses and they try to ignore it but it it very hard for them to do so. They come acrosss bullies, leeches, fights, dogs, trains, and  a dead body. this movie is a good way to show how friends always stick together no matter what happens.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Types of friendship

There are four types of friendship: acuainteances, proximity, selected, and significant.

 Acquaintances:People who you know because they participate in the same activities as you do. Example, people you see in school, people you meet at parties. People who you have brief conversations with.

Proximity: Make shared activities more anjoyable but, when the term ends or ou change jobs, you no longer have an activity in common, the relationship will probably not last.

Selected: based on shared interests and some affection or concern for eachother. You share your opinions with your selected frends and exchange stories about your lives  as you get to know eachother better.

Significant: Spending many hours on hours on the phone talking, sharing your inner thoughts and feelings in extended conversations is a sign that the friendship has become a signifiacant relationship in your life. This sharing created empathy.